Monday, December 15, 2008

The How-To Series: Duck hunting checklist

I may be new to hunting, but I rarely forget anything when I head out into the field. Why not? Because I am an inveterate list-maker, and I make sure everything's crossed off the list before I lock the house and get into the car.

This year I've shared my list with several friends who are just getting into duck hunting, and one recommended that I share it here as well. You'll see it below in list form - something you can cut and paste into a Word document and customize - or as a JPG you can print if my personal list happens to work really well for you.

But first, a few words about the list.

* I'm an organized person - everything's gotta be in its place - so my list is organized into where things go - in the car, in the blind bag, even what parts of the blind bag. Obsessive? Perhaps, but this makes packing up a little easier.

* I am female; therefore I overpack. Silly? Maybe. But it's come in handy when I've had hunting partners who needed something they didn't bring.

* Also in the I-am-female category, you will see something on this list called "chick stuff." Ladies, you know what I'm talking about, and this is a must-pack item because you don't want to caught unprepared when Aunt Flo decides to visit early.

* On the printable image of the list below, you'll see four copies of the list. I was raised by Depression-era parents and I picked up their propensity for avoiding waste. I get four copies of my list for every sheet of paper. I just print a few sheets, cut them into four pieces and keep them stacked on my desk for the season.

Happy hunting!

Click on the image to see a full-size printable version. You may need to save it as a jpg on your computer to make it print out properly. If all else fails, email me here and I'll send you a PDF copy.

The List

Travel clothes
Hunting license
Driver's license
Health insurance card
Credit/debit card

Keep in car
Fresh socks/shirt
Extra ammo (my refuge allows you to take only 25 shells into the field)

Big stuff for car/truck
Game cart & sled

Blind bag
Balaclava, face mask, face net
Camo makeup & makeup remover
Chick stuff
Duck calls
Duck ID books
Fingerless gloves
Game strap
Head lamp and spare flashlight
Hearing protection and spare earplugs
Hunting regs
Spare batteries
Trash bags (for my trash and picking up after the losers who left theirs)
Wet wipes


Native said...

This list really reminds me of some of the important stuff which I have tended to forget over the years.

I have a buddy of mine (egghead who works at Lockheed) whom I used to make fun of several years ago for all of the items which he would load his pack up with .

The laughter stopped (with a little "egg" on my face) when I started to "need" and use some of that "unnecessary" stuff that he packed in.

Thanks Holly for reminding me.

Holly Heyser said...

Those of us who are ridiculously organized LOVE IT when the people who make fun of that organization suddenly find us very useful. It's a consolation prize for being borderline obsessive-compulsive :-).

Jon Roth said...

Deiniftely will add a couple of these to my own list. Although you are far more organized; mine exists only in my head.

HELLEK said...

Thank you, thank you! Glad you posted your list. I can now use it as a crib sheet as I start to put together my own supplies.

Josh said...

It's a good post. My list is a tad shorter:

1 (one) bag with all the hunting stuff in it.
1 (one) shotgun.
1 (one) hat.
25 (twenty-five) things to have forgotten when I get to the field.

Holly Heyser said...

Life really is simpler for guys, isn't it?

Alex said...

Hmmm, well, big lists are fine. It can be a bit aggravating when you forget something when you're already out hunting. Making a list also gives you the chance to check if the important gear is in good condition.

Still, organization can be fun - it kinda builds the anticipation!
Alex Galletti