What, you didn't think I meant Revlon, did you?
Yeah, I've totally embraced camo face paint this year. I got tired of wearing balaclavas when the weather's perfectly nice, which it is basically the first half of duck season in California. Read more... So, what do I use? Hunter's Specialties Camo Creme Makeup
Goes on easy. Doesn't smear too much once it dries (but yeah, it rubs off a bit). Smells like crayons. Doesn't give me a rash. It is oil-based, but I haven't had a problem with that.
In short, it's the first and only camo face paint I've ever bought, and it doesn't suck. There's my ringing endorsement!
But here's the more important question: How do I get that stuff off at the end of the hunt so I don't look like a commando when I go to Burger King (or more importantly, Granzella's)?
The product description said it would come off with soap and water, but there pretty much isn't either at the places where I hunt ducks. Hell, I'm lucky to find a portapotty that doesn't make me want to hurl.So here's where I get a little girlie: I use Almay Moisturizing Eye Makeup Remover Gel
. If you rub a little of that into the face paint to loosen it up, it comes off really easily with a baby wipe. (That's actually what I'm doing in the photo above.)
It doesn't smell. It's not greasy. And it works.
Of course, it's no substitute for hot water, soap and a washcloth, which you'll want to use eventually, unless you enjoy clogged pores. But it's good enough to make you presentable in public.
Thank you for reading this far. This post was just an excuse to use that photo, which I think is hilarious. Thanks to my friend David for snapping it when we hunted at Delevan the other day. He was deeply amused by my whole makeup ritual.
© Holly A. Heyser 2009
Don't give away secrets so freely : )
2 hours ago
LOVE the photo. i have to wear a full netted face mask when i hunt; mostly to protect myself from the ferocious mosquitos qwe have here in florida - but it also works as a camoflage.
Holly, darn you! I thought I was going to hear about some makeup tips. Instead you're talking war paint.
I think the Duck Commander guys just leave theirs on all of the time.
Cat, I've tried face nets and love the coverage, but I always end up fumbling to get my calls somewhere near my lips.
Jody, I gave you a fantastic make-up tip! What if you kiss Mark when he has this stuff all over his face and it rubs off on you? Now you know a nice hypoallergenic way to remove unslightly black smudges from your normally unsullied face!
GSP Russ, you may be right about that. I have a Duck Commander poster in my office at school (autographed, thank you very much!), and students are stunned when they see it. The make-up, the beards. "What the hell?" they ask. Then I show them pictures of me in face paint and they start giggling uncontrollably.
Make-up tips from a duck hunter, for duck hunters. Can't wait to see this at Target!
The picture is great, but this actually is a good tip, and not just for female hunters.
Holly, with your Almay make-up remover and a Shewee, you CAN have all the luxuries of home at every duck hunting location. I'm going duck hunting tomorrow (Thanksgiving, cause I don't have to cook) with a dear old friend of mine (81 years old). He wants to show me how he used to hunt ducks in the good ole' days. Should be fun! I will definitely have my Shewee along!
I just love the photo Holly...soooo cute! Use what makes you happy...I have used camo paint before and got it off with cold cream when I got back home. Now, I just go with a face mask that is builted into my hat.
I want to wish you and boyfriend a very Happy Thankgiving! Love and Hugs, Marian :)
What a great photo. I started using face paint, because I use a kisser button for my bow, and had a hard time finding it through the head net.
Even so, though, I still don't think I'm going to rub the remover gel on my face. Now, I'm not opposed to trying the baby wipe, though.
Great pic and a great post.
I love the picture! I usually wear a baklava - because it helps hide my glasses and I'm so blind without them I can't get away with not wearing them! But hubby uses face paint... he likes to leave it on until he gets home :)
You say.....in California you should take this stuff off before going into public? That is the same grease paint we use and it does work pretty good. The real problem starts when I have a weeks worth of hair on my face and get the grease mixed in with it. Takes some scrubbing. Suz might look at me a little sideways if I start carrying eye makeup removal around with me. May have to try it though.
Too much trouble! A light-weight net face mask for those warm early season hunts for me thanks.
Face paint is my kids' favorite part of hunting. We just leave it on until it comes off on its own; usually only takes a couple days!
while I met you the sunday of opening day and
it was a pleasure for sure. I also love your blogs and that you are bringing womem to the sport of hunting which for the most part is driven by men and needs more women for sure.
heres the rub, as you state in your bio.
My Agenda, I believe hunting is good, and I am
on a mission to dispel the common misconceptions about hunting.
I applade you for this number one,
and I love that you see hunting through the eyss
of young kid with all the joys and wonderment.
what I have a hard time with is the naming of
areas you hunt sometimes. some areas are now hard enough to get onto and with the internet is makes things only worse as people search out what is good and end op there. naming spots is crazy.... now days it I only name it like NVR meaning north valley refuge. you haven't seen it maybe but as you become more involved with trying to get on a good spot only to find 20guys ahead of you that heard it from the internet that this spot is on fire.
again I love the blog and all that you do for the sport but think someday you will see that giving up all the areas that you worked hard to find and have great shoots at will bite you in the end. IMHO...
I still find you awsome, and look forward to your post and your great outlook for this sport.
I also hope someday will get together and share a great hunt and pics...
Smilin Steve.... X_WaterFowler_X
that pic above should be your new avatar
its a great pic by the way.
Hey Steve, good to see you here!
I'm of mixed feelings about your suggestion. If I hunted a spot that no one or hardly anyone knew about, there's no way I'd name it.
But Delevan (where I hunt most, what I mention most here) is one of the most popular refuges in the state (odds of getting drawn - 1 in 52, second only to Little Dry Creek), with one of the best bird averages in the state, all of which is well-known public information. The blind averages are also public information, and the only way you can get into any of them is to be in the exact right place in line. If I have a resi and I don't get the blind I want, it's because I'm not in the right place in line.
Honey holes in free roam - if I ever get around to hunting free roam - are sacred. I get that. And when I hunt as a guest with my friends in Tule Lake and the San Joaquin Valley, where we aren't hunting assigned blinds, I never identify the exact locations. All I do is describe them - tules (everywhere!), open water, grass, small holes - all pretty general, no coordinates.
Perhaps it's just my upbringing as a journalist, but I have a hard time with the idea of being coy about where I hunt. Naming refuges is part of how I connect to readers - if they too have been where I've been, and seen the people I've seen, they feel connected. If I'm vague, it could be the duck-hunting equivalent of Penthouse letters to the editor. Dear editor: You wouldn't believe what happened to me this weekend. I'm a college student at a small midwestern college...
I totally understand it, and see your side too. after reading it again, my post may have not come out the way I wanted it too, its a double edge for sure. this is what your site is all about giving out information and stories to help others have a great time in outdoors, I see that. while for me sometimes I grew up with NO internet to look to or scout out. you put in your time and found All spots on your own. now days your right, the info for everything is at hand and you need only look a little find it. does that hurt us some. sure, but like fishing its 20% of some catching 80% of the fish.
when I was salmon fishing I posted up general numbers for people because by the time they got there the fish had moved anyway and it was no secret. it wasn't till 05 I posted a general spot one day and when I got there 22 boats were all over that spot. so now days I'm very careful as to how I post now days. but, I still love your blogs and you have done very well for yourself and I wish you all the best. now for the good stuff...
I know you got a great pick for this week,
I can't wait to see and hear about a simply fantastic hunt for sure. as always from you, You Go Girl... Show them the way...
Smilin Steve
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