Cazadora's Code of Ethics
What to expect on this blog:
1. The truth. Call me on it if I get a fact wrong - I'll fix it.
2. My opinions. Feel free to disagree - that's what the "comment" feature is for.
3. My agenda. I believe hunting is good, and I'm on a mission to dispel common misconceptions about hunting.
4. My words. It's all original.
5. Lots of photos. Most are mine; some are not. If you believe I've used anything here in violation of the Fair Use doctrine, let me know.
6. Reviews. From time to time I review products and services. While I do not require gear or services to be provided for free in order to review them, I do accept some free gear and services. Scroll down to see which products and services I've paid for and which I've received for free.
7. Advertising. It helps pay the bills.
Advertising disclosures
I may receive a commission for purchases you make after clicking on some links included in blog posts and in ads on the sidebars. However, some advertisers' terms prohibit me from disclosing that I earn commissions from them, so I can't tell you which links may benefit me. Rest assured, though, that I do not require a commission for linking to products - I link to products I write about regardless of whether there's anything in it for me.
Review disclosures
Some - but not all - of the hunting gear discussed in this blog was provided free for review. Which is which?
Provided at no cost:
- Alpen Optics binoculars (2008)
- Cabela's Cazadora Waders - prototypes provided for product testing - I helped design them. (2008-09)
- Filson chaps and safari cloth pants - I gave away both after the review, and missed the chaps so much I asked for them as a Christmas present (2008); women's upland vest (2010).
- Fishing with Mosquito Fleet in La Paz, BCS, Mexico (2010)
- Foxy Huntress pants, shooting shirt (not reviewed, but seen in photos), jacket (2008)
- Haley Vines Collection rain jacket (2011)
- Head Down duck hunting cap, which I got from Feather Flage (2011)
- Hunting - Philosophy for Everyone, a book edited by Nathan Kowalsky (2010)
- Nikon Monarch 3 binoculars (2011)
- Lift - a book by Rebecca K. O'Connor (2009)
- Native Hunt wild hog hunts in June and August 2008 and dove hunt in 2009
- Prois Competitor Shooter's Shirt and Eliminator jacket - both perquisites of being on Prois Field Staff (2010 and 2011)
- Red Wing Shoes/Irish Setter Ladyhawk boots (2008)
- SHE Safari shooting shirt - not reviewed, but seen in photos (2008)
- Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why it's So Hard to Think Straight About Animals, a book by Hal Herzog (2011)
- Winchester Blind Side shotshells - two boxes (2011)
- WindWhacker motion decoys - received one set free in 2010, paid for first two sets in 2008.
Won at a raffle:
- Beretta 3901 12 gauge shotgun, a.k.a. Sarah Connor (2010)
- TriStar over and under 12 gauge shotgun (2010)
Got discounts for:
- Gun Storage Solutions Rifle Rods - paid full price, but didn't pay for shipping (2010)
- Trailfeathers camo trekker jacket and double-fly pants - paid wholesale (2009)
- Gun care by Dale Tate in exchange for advertising (2010)
- Winchester Blind Side shotshells in exchange for advertising (2011-12)
Paid full price for:
- All books except as noted above
- Beretta Urika AL391 shotgun (2006)
- Bushnell Elite 3200 scope, 3-9x40 (2009)
- Fitaski adjustable-comb stock (2010)
- Gunfitting for Beretta 391 with Dale Tate (2007)
- Filson shooting shirt (2009)
- Prois Hunting Apparel pants, long-sleeve T (2008)
- Savage 114 (American Classic) .270 rifle (2009)
- SHE Safari brush pants, upland vest - gave away brush pants (2008)
- Walker's Game Ear (2007)
- WindWhacker motion decoys - paid for first two sets in 2008; received one free in 2010.
Updated 8-15-11